Inception Inception is a film that was directed and written by Christopher Nolan and released in 2010. Don Cobbs “Leonardo DiCaprio” is a professional thieve who goes into the dreams/minds of people and steals secrets from their subconscious. He uses a technique called extraction. Towards the beginning of the film Cobbs is approached by a man known as Saito (Ken Watanabe) who offers him a job, not to extract information but to implant information into the subconscious of someone. This would be Cobbs final job and would allow him to return home to America to re-join his family. Also, Saito would arrange for all criminal charges against Cobbs to be dropped with the American authorities. (Leonardo DiCaprio) Cobb puts together a “dream infiltrator team” for the final job: Arthur (joseph Gordon Levitt), Ariadne (Ellen Page), Emes (Tom Hardy) and Yusuf (Dileep Rao). (joseph Gordon Levitt) ...