movie review- calagari

the movie "the cabinet of Caligari is a silent film from the year 1920, following the story of Dr. Caligari and Francis going through the death of Francis's friend Alan. what was first striking upon entering the film was the background and buildings around them were severely distorted and pointed to the extreme, and after researching it is now made clear that the building represents the mental state of the current population published not long after world war 1.
 expressionist architecture was quite popular in Germany which leads to Robert Wiene to push this genre of architecture to the extremes with size shape and texture “The film, as a result, presents us with a dark and twisted world with distorted shapes and angles. This expressive style presents us with a grotesque worldview – buildings are slanted, doors and windows are unusually shaped, and walls and floors consist of schizophrenic patterns and designs.”[1] one a minor note what was interesting to see in the movie out of all of it was mainly the architecture and the thought that went into it. “include the exploration of themes of paranoia, fear, and schizophrenia through mise-en-scène, cinematography, and lighting.”[2]. 

later, in the movie what was interesting about the architecture when we arrived at the mental asylum was more natural on the outside when first seeing it but as the camera was fade to inside the building the structure becomes distorted once again with random textures and shapes on the wall. “In addition to the design of the sets, the excessive stylization also extends to the intertitles of the film. The texture, underscoring of certain words and phrases, and lettering emphasizes a schizophrenic state of mind.”[3]

along with the scenes, the use of color tint was quite intriguing as I would represent a certain thing in the room like day or night/death /feminine room; which was an interesting way to display the mood of the scene indicates what’s going on. and as it goes towards to the end it was clear to assume that Dr. Caligari was caught and Francis and has first love were going to be together forever but there is a huge plot twist towards the end of the film is that Francis was the one to incarcerated will Caligari was free and still in charge of the asylum.

Harvard referencing:
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
Ahi, M. and Karaoghlanian, A. (2013). The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). [online] Interiors. Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2018].[1][2][3]


  1. Hey Coyle - thanks for posting... so a few things to think about here: there's some basic stuff about using capital letters etc and ensuring that you're planning and polishing your writing before publishing. You're also using the 'first person' in this review, which is one of the 'no-no's' of this kind of writing. Your quotes are excellent - really useful - but you're not using the Harvard Method as is necessary. You're likewise missing any images etc - so it's important that you look again at the instructions on the brief and you demonstrate that you can follow them. Can I ask you to take another look at a) the brief, which gives the instructions on what your film reviews need to include and b) look again/listen again to the presentation I gave on Thursday about 'the first person' and so on - you'll find it on myUCA/Contexts.

    Oh - another thing you may have missed: avoid using the term 'movie' - movie is actually slang for 'moving pictures'; use the word 'film' instead.

    The important thing is you've had a go and received this feedback: the really important thing is you take your experience into your next review.

  2. Hi Coyle!

    Phil has beaten me to it! Yes, I would have said everything that Phil has there - well done on getting your review out there... but also, take heed of hte advice Phil has given. Don't worry about editing this post, just take the advice and apply to your next review!


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