warframe concept test

warframe was a game developed by the company "Digital Extremes". the game originally started as " dark sector" a dark sci-fi game created around 2005, but during the development of the game that budget ran out. so a directional change in the change of the art and game had to happen.

so after many adjustments, warframe was introduced in 2013 also with concept and art style that I whole hearty love/ in a form of a sci-fi fantasy with animation quests and trailers for models known as "prime warframes"

Image result for warframe  original concept
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the prime trailer while short, present a new slicker model to the game known as "prime-warframe" even though theses frames don't have that much significance in the overall game. these animated trailers reveal more to this universe then what originally knew before and add some depth to existing characters

"warframe's attempt at a horror quest"

the story quests that warframe offer are stunning the animation flow is great along with the models that are used along with the inserted personalized warframe. and the movement and audio really gets me into the story.

the art concept of this game I found just breath-taking! and not just ranging from the human models but structure concepts as well. I found the landscapes so smooth with the change in ambiance dependent on the different level.
Image result for warframe building concept

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  1. Hi Coyle,

    Try to keep the size of your images consistent in all of your posts and within the one post as some of the images here are bunched together and would be more visually pleasing if they had room to breathe. Don't forget to label your posts too :)


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