Hey Coyle... so zombies, gore, lizard hands (?!), doll-like zombies nurses and so on. This feels like an indexing of your favourite horror game tropes... it's also a good example of some of the prompts not being used in an authentic proactive sense - so for example, the 'magic envelope'.
If I can strip out some of the horror set-pieces and just look at your intentions: it seems like you're wishing to tell a story in which a character 'escapes from their own mind' to live a happier life, with the implication being that the 'hospital of doom' and the 'doctor of death' etc are but figments of his fevered imagination. In essence, the idea that everything you see in your story is imaginary - a metaphor for anxiety or phobia or madness - is an interesting one; there's more than a hint of Dr Caligari in this sense of the 'framing narrative' or 'twist ending'... can I make some suggestions however to perhaps encourage you to give more thought to the story and its structure and perhaps moving past all the tropes and cliches towards something more truly character-based:
so Act 1) A letter arrives on a doctor's doormat. The writing on the letter is scrawled and hurried. The doctor reads it: we see that it says something like: 'They locked me up. There's a doctor trying to kill me....' The doctor sees the name at the end of the letter he frowns, stands up. Next scene, an ordinary man is minding his own business in his home or whatever, and suddenly he's taken from his home by men in white coats and bundled into a van...
Act 2) The same man wakes up to find himself in a sinister asylum, hospital and tries to escape; a sinister doctor and some sinister nurses pursue him. All the time he's saying stuff like 'I shouldn't be here! It's a mistake! I'm not mad and so on'. He escapes in a few different ways before finally make it out into an office in the asylum - the people are coming up the stairs; he sees a pen and paper, an envelope etc - and he hurriedly writes a letter and leaves it with the others on the desk to be posted... the staff members burst in...
Act 3) A letter arrives on a doctor's doormat. The writing on the letter is scrawled and hurried. The doctor reads it: we see that it says something like: 'They locked me up. There's a doctor trying to kill me....' The doctor sees the name at the end of the letter he frowns, stands up. Next scene, an we see the same ordinary man minding his own business in his own home or whatever, and suddenly he's taken from his home by men in white coats and bundled into a van... He wakes up in the asylum...
What I liked about your idea above is the nightmarish quality, but I think all the stuff about magic and so on just feels bolted on and too complex. In the idea above, the envelope is earning its keep, you've got a great Act 2 - horror tropes welcome etc - and you've got that awful Caligari quality of a dream-within-a-dream and the I'm not mad/I'm mad vibe.
You just have to be wary I think of just mistaking 'lots of action and events' for a story - which is where I think your current outline is struggling. As I did when I was writing out the idea above, I thought about that envelope and how it could be used to 'reframe' your whole story or power some kind of twist or reveal...
OGR 23/01/2019
ReplyDeleteHey Coyle... so zombies, gore, lizard hands (?!), doll-like zombies nurses and so on. This feels like an indexing of your favourite horror game tropes... it's also a good example of some of the prompts not being used in an authentic proactive sense - so for example, the 'magic envelope'.
If I can strip out some of the horror set-pieces and just look at your intentions: it seems like you're wishing to tell a story in which a character 'escapes from their own mind' to live a happier life, with the implication being that the 'hospital of doom' and the 'doctor of death' etc are but figments of his fevered imagination. In essence, the idea that everything you see in your story is imaginary - a metaphor for anxiety or phobia or madness - is an interesting one; there's more than a hint of Dr Caligari in this sense of the 'framing narrative' or 'twist ending'... can I make some suggestions however to perhaps encourage you to give more thought to the story and its structure and perhaps moving past all the tropes and cliches towards something more truly character-based:
so Act 1) A letter arrives on a doctor's doormat. The writing on the letter is scrawled and hurried. The doctor reads it: we see that it says something like: 'They locked me up. There's a doctor trying to kill me....' The doctor sees the name at the end of the letter he frowns, stands up. Next scene, an ordinary man is minding his own business in his home or whatever, and suddenly he's taken from his home by men in white coats and bundled into a van...
Act 2) The same man wakes up to find himself in a sinister asylum, hospital and tries to escape; a sinister doctor and some sinister nurses pursue him. All the time he's saying stuff like 'I shouldn't be here! It's a mistake! I'm not mad and so on'. He escapes in a few different ways before finally make it out into an office in the asylum - the people are coming up the stairs; he sees a pen and paper, an envelope etc - and he hurriedly writes a letter and leaves it with the others on the desk to be posted... the staff members burst in...
Act 3) A letter arrives on a doctor's doormat. The writing on the letter is scrawled and hurried. The doctor reads it: we see that it says something like: 'They locked me up. There's a doctor trying to kill me....' The doctor sees the name at the end of the letter he frowns, stands up. Next scene, an we see the same ordinary man minding his own business in his own home or whatever, and suddenly he's taken from his home by men in white coats and bundled into a van... He wakes up in the asylum...
What I liked about your idea above is the nightmarish quality, but I think all the stuff about magic and so on just feels bolted on and too complex. In the idea above, the envelope is earning its keep, you've got a great Act 2 - horror tropes welcome etc - and you've got that awful Caligari quality of a dream-within-a-dream and the I'm not mad/I'm mad vibe.
You just have to be wary I think of just mistaking 'lots of action and events' for a story - which is where I think your current outline is struggling. As I did when I was writing out the idea above, I thought about that envelope and how it could be used to 'reframe' your whole story or power some kind of twist or reveal...