movie review - the dark knight

For my hero and villain’s movie review be looking at the 2008 film “the dark Knight”. the film itself is set in the DC universe with Batman and Joker as the main hero and villain in this film and also its main focus.
The reason why I chose “the dark Knight” is because as it features both Batman and Joker it displays qualities that will be considered binary opposites such as good versus evil Batman versus Joker /corrupter versus reality/ sane and the insane /dark light and weak versus strong. In the dark Knight a large constant contrast between the actions of both the Joker and Batman; with Batman taking cleaner action against criminals and the Joker just basically creating absolute anarchy compared to his counterpart.
In the synopsis of the film we are already introduced to Commissioner Gordon, Alfred and whoever else working diligently keeping a very tight lid on the crime scene within the city known as Gotham but then were introduced to Joker which then starts to turn everything Batman has Kept in order upside down. There is a constant to-and-fro struggle between the pair throughout this movie which is also led to Batman doing less than moral things that would be considered more of a vigilante then compared to hero.
The reason why I chose Batman joker is because these two have been a constant binary opposite when it came to the push and pull implore across the DC universe, the film itself kept to the competition between Batman and Joker has been going on through many other films comics and TV shows compared to most films involving the pair  when looking at “the dark Knight”  it has a more gritty feel in the beginning/ middle and end and the actor that they had casting Joker “Heath Ledger” was quite enticing with his role constantly baiting Batman every nook and cranny during the film.
