premise- rough house design/ layout

for what I want to do with the house design I had to roughly construct an idea
in my of what I wanted to do for layout-wise.

in terms of the innards of the house I thought myself I want to make it a simplified house I don't want to overcomplicate the amount of work that I would need to put into it, so roughly I decided where each of the rooms were gonna be followed by the main room which would be the attic. Answering another question I won't have as many items for things like the bedroom or bathroom on display when the animation comes around as ill be mostly focused around areas like the attic so to not overcomplicate designing items I decided to stick with stuff you would see in Victorian/Edwardian 1900s house when you're going upstairs all the way to the attic.

the overview that you can see here is merely a rough idea of how I want the layout for each floor to look like making it would be an entirely different ball game but now I have some form of layout I can work on what I need to plan next.
