premise- interior improvments

interior art

(front door hallway)

after completing the initial structure of the housing I then proceeded to draw out how I would like the house itself to be decorated from the interior. This process was a little bit harder compared to focusing on the exterior as I have never personally taken on constructing buildings either interior or exterior but the process itself has been fairly interesting as with looking into how I once the innards of the house to look like I learnt quite a bit about Victorian decor around the 1900s. Colour choices though maybe not be authentic from these pictures but these are nothing more then just samples of what I am going to try and produce in Maya.

(1st floor)

after I was able to construct the ground floor the main entrance to the house it was quite easy to then take it to the first floor and start messing around with how I want it to look like. Judging from a Victorian terrace interior that I researched online not a lot is put into the first floor just simple tables with gas lamps. The stairs though were quite annoying in my opinion as previously stated I've never done interior design let alone exterior design so proportions may seem a bit off now but once work begins on this terrace within Maya the simple matters of geometry can be figured out a lot easier compared to these to the replicants. 


unlike the first floor and ground floor for the attic I wanted to make it look a lot less loved as technically there will be nothing but just storage up there obviously in the magician's nephew we have the fabled attic room which in this image has a little bit more vibrancy compared to the rest of the attic and I want to be a light at the end of the tunnel metaphorically speaking when we have the camera coming up into the attic from the stairs and then we see this nicely coloured room just beyond this door crack and draw a lot from the rest of the attic.

(uncle's attic room)

finally we come to the main room where obviously there's gonna be character that would relate to the uncle and his more fantastical side that obviously his nephew is unaware of. In the book it states that his room is cluttered with various items some strange to Victorian London but also a few items you would see in London during that particular time period, also it talked about how he had rows and rows of books so I wanted to put in a bookshelf with obviously books jammed into the first few shells and then at the bottom we have more outlandish objects that would be very confusing to somebody visiting this particular space for the first time. I also want to put in the box which contains the green and yellow rings as a form of Easter egg to the story as obviously in this room the rings were used to travel to the woods between worlds so to have them in view of the camera as entering would symbolise this is the major room on which the story really started to kick off.

what next!
Next on my list is now figuring out what items are generally needed for said rooms hallway and so forth. Even though I want to keep them close towards the time period that the book was set in and just curious if I'm allowed to exaggerate the items just a tiny bit to add a little bit of flair to the rest of the room or try to keep them as accurate as possible down to the most minute detail.


  1. I have left links and images on Basecamp. Let me know if you get them.


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