
Showing posts from November, 2020

maya lesson 5- photogrammetry Part 3/4: Scene Modelling & Option 1 (Static Match) - Non-Compositing (Single Pass) Integration of Objects

part 3 modeling was fairly straight forward after a couple of attempts and changing the lens focus   part 4 "option 1" was adding the additional shapes to the scene followed by adding & adjusting a shadow matte shader to the crate shape and background to get a full 3d picture.

art jam_2 blobs

making character sketches out of the random blobs version 2 wanted to take one further   

maya lesson 4- photogrammetry Part 2: Camera & Scene Matching in 3D


Minor_project- propesel

  Animated Short by Gravevelgra on Scribd

Minor project animatic


Maya lesson- 3 Curve driven squash & stretch

this session follows the same fundamentals as we did for the mushroom the method of stretch and squash. The image below displayed in the node editor is the structure of what we have to do for this particular task, as maths wasn't one of my strong suits and this little bit difficult mathematical side when taking information the entirety of spine feeding it into its three separate joints that control how the character would be posed.  

Maya Lesson- 2 No Flip Pole Vector

  this tutorial compared to the others is short and was easier to digest as we were adding a no flip pole vector to an existing model. going to the node editor I was able to understand how to generally setting it up, it was setting a twist attribute with the foot control that I was slightly confused with but looking over the tutorial given I was able to get past that.

Art jam- 1 Monster mash

for the art_jam that we had, we had the theme of monster mash and I had got the additional theme of nerd as well, we Rolled online dice for eyes arms, and legs. then we were asked to draw a large selection of monsters to choose from the select 3 from the set. for the 3 we were given another theme "I got a personality trait of Shy" and we take the 3 chosen and draw them in that way. and this here is the final product of the art jam.