Minor project- OGR

images below are what I've done so far for the objects that will be placed in my environmental project. Even further than you would find a list with all noted object names colour-coordinated in terms of what I would find difficult to model from now towards the end of the project. there are a few more objects are currently in the works that have been pictured but are noted down in the category list at the bottom as in progress. also to note there are objects like maps rugs that are fundamentally squares that I didn't want to include in the initial set of pictures and once I begin texturing will look a lot more different compared to the un-textured models that you see on here.


book cluster


coffee table

desk chair

desk lamp


multi-purpose pot "flower pot & copper pot"

quil & ink

large crystal

morter & pestal

side table


wall light

todo list

the list here is quite simple, the items are divided between minor difficulty medium difficulty and major difficulty. And then are highlighted with a dark green or orange display that is either in progress or they are done entirely or requires UV layout some of the objects have duplicates beneath them if the main one says done or requiring UV then that affects all objects below it. 


·         Maps “done”

·         -1

·         -2

·         -3

·         Magic diagrams & circles “done”

·         -1

·         -2

·         -3

·         Coat stand

·         Small potted mantle flower

·         bookcase “done”

·         side table “need uv”

·         rug “inprogress”

·         Roll of paper “done?”

·         -1

·         -2

·         -3

·         -4

·         -5

·         -6

·         -7

·         -8

·         -9

·         -10

·         Picture frames

·         No lid boxes X2

·         Green rings X40

·         Yellow rings X40

·         Assortment of bottles “need uv”

·         Opium pile

·         Small potted mantle flower

·         Dead floor potted plant

·         Dead small potted plant

·         Metal

·         Pestle & mortar “need UV”




·         Oroborus mantle statue

·         1900 era work desk

·         1900’s floor lamp “done”

·         Coat

·         Top hat

·         door  “need uv”

·         -door 2

·         eves door

·         fireplace “inprogress”

·         wingback Victorian armchair

·         wingback Victorian armchair 2

·         small wooden step ladder

·         Ink & quill “need uv”

·         Pile of assorted gemstones X10

·         Bottled small animals “need uv ”

·         Camera “need uv”

·         Desk chair “done”

·         coffee table “need uv”



·         chess set “need pieces”

·         full chess piece set

·         runestone pile

·         -1

·         -2

·         -3

·         -4

·         -5

·         -6

·         Ameriary

·         Large crystal “inprogress”

at this moment in time and currently very happy with the progress I am making in terms of models for my environmental piece, there are a couple bits I wish to adjust before the minor project deadline on most of these objects but at this moment in time I am trying to get the objects and to a certain standard before I feel really ready for the next project

